How many times as a contractor did you think "how nice it would be to have a self propelled narrow scaffolding" when doing ceiling, drywall, wiring, general maintenance? Well, Granite Industries has finally fulfilled your wish. "Power Snappy"scaffold using two (2) 12v sealed lead batteries, powering two hub motors, which automatically brake the unit when not moving, controlled with a joystick give you the mobility required for most jobs. Presently this scaffold with an adjustable platform height of 24" to 60" (done manually), a width of 31" (fits thru most commercial doors) and a weight of 277lbs. it can be used in many situations were a scissor or man lift can't. This scaffold will fit into elevators and also climb up to 3% grade making it a tool that electricians, drywallers, plasters, acoustic ceiling installers, and maintenance contractors shouldn't be without. Here is also a link to a You Tube video of the scaffold being used. www.birdladder.com